We know the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest nurse practitioner guideline books.

But it’s hard! With medical knowledge doubling every 73 days, nurse practitioners must make a very concerted effort to stay abreast of the latest and greatest. We must do this not just for our profession but for the safety and well being of our patients.

One easy thing we can do is ensure we have a copy of the latest guideline books on our bookshelf. As a patient, I always feel slightly more reassured when I see my provider’s books… and that they’re not from 2002.

Below is a list of the most recent nurse practitioner guidelines books for each specialty. I searched high and low for the most recently published options at the best price.

Family Nurse Practitioner Guideline Books

Emergency Nurse Practitioner Guideline Books

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Guideline Books

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Guideline Books

Women’s Health NP Guideline Books

Geriatric NP Guideline Books

Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Guideline Books

If you enjoy books as much as I do, check my other favorite books lists, including books on health innovation, psychiatric case studies, and those written by nurse practitioners themselves.